The Night Circus is the magnificently written debut novel by Erin Morgensten. She eloquently tells the tale of the constantly moving, unique circus that "...arrives without warning" beginning at dusk and continuing throughout the night. Unlike most circus-going experiences, this nocturnal adventure is different. "He had expected it to be a show. Something to sit in a chair and watch. He realized quickly how wrong he was. It was something to be explored." Many tents are available to explore, each with its own theme.
A competition is underway. For years, Celia and Marco have been training diligently for the challenge for which they were inducted by their trainers, neither one knowing that they were the adversary. A world of mystery, magic and illusion; Morgenstern easily draws the reader into the nocturnal world of Le Cirque de Reves. What the competitors do not know is that in order for a winner to be determined, only one can be left standing.
The Night Circus provides the venue for this competition to take place. Celia and Marco didn't expect to fall in love with one another, which makes their challenge much more difficult.
I truly enjoyed this novel, down to the artwork of the book keeping with the color theme. The Night Circus draws you into its magical world and leaves you with a feeling of hope, and the desire to dream as any majestic fairy tale would accomplish. Completely captivating, mysterious, romantic, and a dream-like fantasy bound into one book!
Morgenstern is quite successful in this, her debut novel, craftily written, and providing a truly unique reading experience. It would be wonderful to see this book go to film, for the magical scenes Morgenstern so brilliantly expresses and conveys are vividly seen by the reader. She achieves all of the goals a writer wishes to achieve as she takes you on the journey of The Night Circus. Well done!
I'm DYING to read this book!!
Megan @ Storybook Love Affair
I have heard so many wonderful things about this book. I have to get it and read it! I loved your review and it made me want to read it even more! Thanks for sharing. I also think think the cover is really cool.
Looks good. Hhmmm, want to read too:)
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